Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today is a beautiful day!

It's a beautiful Sunday here in New York City. I met up with my dear friend Lesley early this morning for our weekly walk around the reservoir in Central Park. We walk, chat, watch the sun come up and the water glisten and by the time we start walking home, we sometimes feel energized enough to take on yet another day of life and another day of parenting. We've been doing this for a while and one of us always notes the beauty of the scene and how lucky we are to live where we do (this is usually juxtaposed against a running rant on the expense of living in NYC, the crazy school admission processes and systems, and the challenge of raising kids - anywhere). It's important to take the time to appreciate what we have and where we are in life. For me, the Central Park reservoir is a reservoir of strength and balance. Kids today are much more environmentally conscious that our generation ever was and many are involved in environmental causes but, to load on the cliches, it's important not to lose the forest for the trees; it's important to remind our kids to take time and smell the roses too. We all have our stress and chaos so it's important that we each find our reservoir. Slow down and enjoy your surroundings, even for just a few minutes today.

To enhance your enjoyment of a beautiful autumn day, I hope you'll consider reading Peter Brown's wonderful and beautiful book, The Curious Garden with a child in your life. If your older child who wants to spook things up a bit this Halloween while staying true to the gardening theme, consider The Gardener by S.A. Bodeen.


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