Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Backwards Day

When you have a newborn, there's a lot of focus on creating and maintaining a schedule. It makes life smoother for all involved. Candidly, it also gives new parents a built-in excuse to turn down invitations or excuse themselves early from events; all in the name of the sacred schedule. When kids get a little older, though, juggling the schedule becomes a parental rite of passage. Depending on how many interests your child believes he or she wants to passionately explore and how much energy you have, the schedule can get more and more out of control. Most of us do what we can to give the appearance of having things under control but we're generally just a step or two away from a cliff. While I've always tried to keep my kids' activities and schedules reasonably straight, I certainly do not feel restricted by their extra-curricular schedules any more. These days, it's more fun to shake things up a little. I have no doubt that when my kids have kids of their own who ask them to tell stories about their own childhood, the time we went out and decided to have dessert for dinner followed by dinner for dessert is one of the stories that will always make the cut. Maintaining a schedule is important when you have babies but spontaneity is important when you have kids. As for me, I'll never forget the time my brothers and I woke up one rainy December morning at the start of that year's December break when my parents told us to pack our bags because we were going to New York City,  

In honor of our memorable backwards meal, today's book of choice is Tell Me The Day Backwards by Albert Lamb, illustrated by David McPhail. At bedtime, the little bear asks his mom to tell him what they did that day, in reverse. The story is precious and the illustrations are heartwarming - and the concept is contagious! Try it with your own kids, of any age!

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